
Soda and Kidney Problem: What should patients with renal insufficiency Saber

Doctors have found that diet soda May mot really as good for you as you might think. Recently, a more serious problem arose in those who drink diet soda. Doctors have done studies and found that diet soda can actually cause kidney failure and permanent kidney damage. Now follow us to learn more about the problems of soda and kidney.

Doctors found that if you drink two or more drinks of diet soda per day, you are more likely to suffer from kidney damage someone drinking regular soda. One reason doctors believe that this happened is because diet soda contains high levels of sodium. They also believe that artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas all to blame for kidney damage that is occurring. There is a strong possibility that the kidneys have trouble handling and processing these artificial sweeteners.

Drinking lots of diet soda could put your kidneys at risk. Ordinary people can reduce your chances of suffering kidney damage by limiting the amount of drinking diet soda daily. If you are suffering from kidney failure, it is best to stop drinking diet soda.

Suggestions diet for patients with renal impairment vary from case to case. No one food item that should strictly prohibit depends on what you say your test reports. We invite you to tell us more about your symptoms and test results via leaving a message below or by email to kidney-support@hotmail.com are here to provide free and professional medical advise.

But we have to say that only a reasonable diet, not enough to control the disease, most importantly patients with renal impairment may be treated with an effective treatment that can help repair damage to the kidneys and recovery renal function.

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