
Diet for Patients who are Undergoing Dialysis

People who are undergoing dialysis should adhere to strict diet to reduce the wastes in their blood. A proper diet can help slow down the aggravation of kidney function for kidney disease patients who are undergoing dialysis.

Generally, the diet for patients who are undergoing dialysis stresses the importance of low sodium, low phosphorous and low protein intake. What is more, the protein should be high-quality and patients should limit their fluid intake. As for the potassium and calcium, each patient is different, and they should take them under their doctors’ guidance on their specific condition.

1. Adequate intake of protein

Too much protein intake will cause great burden to kidney units, leading more wastes to build up in the body. However, low protein intake for a long time will lead to malnutrition, which will in turn cause inflammation and atherosclerosis etc. So, it is very difficult for patients to balance the intake of protein. Generally, the patients who are undergoing dialysis should take in approximately 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of their weight. The high-quality protein can be found in eggs (without yolk), lean meat.

2. The intake of calorie

The proper intake of calorie should be controlled in 125-145kj/(kg*d). The calorie should be from carbohydrate and fat.

3. Strict control of the water

The intake of water should be controlled in 500mg plus the volume of urine of the previous day. Patients should pay attention to the source of water, besides milk, fruits and drinks, other foods also contain water.

4. The intake of sodium

Patients will feel thirst if they take too much salt, which will lead to swelling and high blood pressure. Patients who are undergoing maintenance dialysis should control their intake of salt within three grams a day.

Although the diet limitations can cause you to lose interest in eating, it is very helpful for your health. If not, your kidney would go worse rapidly. So, patients should receive proper treatment, and follow a proper diet, and you can reduce the frequency of dialysis and even get rid of it gradually.

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