
Diabetes Can Develop into Diabetic Nephropathy

With the life style changing, more and more people get Diabetes. Maybe most of patients just know that Diabetes can cause a series of complications such as eye disease, diabetic foot and so on. However, they do not know that if they do not prevent Diabetes development, it will develop into Diabetic Nephropathy. What’s worse, nearly 40% of patients with Diabetic Nephropathy can develop into End Stage Renal Failure.

At early stage, Diabetic Nephropathy does not have symptom but their kidney function is declining silently. Once the patients have edema, hypertension and so on, in most cases, their diseases have developed into medium and even terminal stage. At that time, it is very difficulty for patients to have an effective treatment. Therefore, the patients should take preventive treatment in advance so as to prevent the disease development. The patients with Diabetes should go to see a doctor at once in renal function insufficiency when they have the above abnormal symptoms. If the are diagnosed with Diabetic Nephropathy, they should take effective treatment at once to delay the disase development. Then what should the patients do? As follows:

1. They should control their blood sugar effectively, which can decline the further damage to renal function.

2. Control their blood pressure within 130/80mmHg. If the patients have 1 gram of protein in their urine within 24 hours, they should keep their blood pressure within 125/75 mmHg.

3. If patients have edema or hypertension, they should keep the intake of salt less than 3 grams per day.

4. If patients have proteinuria, they should keep their intake of protein within 0.8 grams /kg.

In order to prevent Diabetes from developing into Diabetic Nephropathy, the patients should treat effective treatment when they just have Diabetes. If the disease develops into Diabetic Nephropathy, it will become more difficult for them to treat the disease.

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