
How Long can Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease Live on Dialysis

I have met a lot of patients having Renal Failure or Uremia caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease, and they are on dialysis. They told me that they feel good after dialysis, and they think that they can live a normal life with dialysis. They all think dialysis is a very effective treatment.

But at first, I should give you an explantation about dialysis. Dialysis is not a kind of kidney repair treatment, it can only remit the patients' illness symptoms temporarily. What is worse, it will speed up the aggravation of the kidneys. Dialysis is only a replacement of kidneys. dialysis is needed and some patients must do dialysis with a high creatinine. But what they should do next is to seek for effective treatments to treat the kidney disease and to try to get rid of the dialysis, and not only undergo dialysis.

But what is the normal life expectancy if patients only on dialysis?

The normal life expectancy of a dialysis patient is about 3-5 years. If a person is undergoing dialysis for Chronic Kidney Disease and he doesn’t take treatment to repair the damaged kidneys, then the end is near. But there are also some patients with serious kidney diseases living with dialysis for many years, however, these patients are very small part of all. The mortality rate for patients suffering from End Stage Renal Disease is 22% annually, and this means that surviving beyond 5 years is hard for the patients. The life expectancy depends on the severity of the disease, and if someone suffers from acute kidney failure, he can with the treatment and may dialysis, and then he expects to live a long life.

But we cannot deny the importance of dialysis, if without dialysis, patients with Renal Failure or Uremia may not live till the next treatment or kidney transplantation. So dialysis is very important for patients with Renal Failure and Uremia.

When a person decides to do dialysis, there is a reality that he must face to. The fact is that once without dialysis, the patient will not survive for more than a few weeks. The vascular system will soon get flooded with liquid, and the heart will be unable to keep up with this added volume. The lungs will also get flooded, and this will result in a lack of oxygen to the brain and to the heart. Additionally, the kidneys then fail to absorb potassium and phosphorus, causing the heart to beat irregularly, and causing the aorta to harden respectively. The added amount of urea in the body will also lead to toxemia, which will damage the heart, the brain and blood vessels. Sooner or later, the body will be unable to deal with all these added pressures. So patients need to seek for some effective treatments to help them get rid of dialysis.

So an effective treatment is very important for patients on dialysis. If patients' damaged kidneys can be repaired effectively, patients can get rid of dialysis in the future. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapyation has been used into the treatment of Renal Failure.

If you have more questions about dialysis or your disease, you are welcome to consult us online or email us! Hope you can get healthy as soon as possible!

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