
Is Cell Phone Radiation a Risk Factor of Kidney Disease

Nowadays, cell phones have become more and more important in our daily life. Cell phones provide much more convenience for people in any field. However, we all know that cell phones can emit radiation, which can cause damage to our health. Then, is cell phone radiation a risk factor of kidney disease?

Study shows that radiation caused by cell phones can cause damage to the blood circulation by inducing hemoglobin in the red blood cells to leak out. When more and more hemoglobin accumulates in the bloodstream, a series of damage will be resulted in such as: kidney diseases and heart disease etc.

What is more, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) holds the opinion that cell phone radiation and other radiations can contribute to the risk of getting Glimoatosis Cerebri. However, cell phone industry points that it is just a possibility, which is still not sure. It needs scientific studies to prove it. Actually, cell phones are bringing much more convenience than its harm.

So, people should use cell phone properly to reduce the risk of kidney diseases that radiation brings.

1. Do not put your cell phone in your pocket. The radiation can harm our heart, kidney and other organs.

2. Keep distance from cell phones when making a call especially the time when the phone is getting through.

3. Try to use hands-free device.

4. Turn off your cell phone when you do not use it. When cell phones are off, it will not cause damage to our organs.

However, although cell phone’s radiation can be a risk factor of diseases especially heart disease and kidney disease, people should not be scared. They are not that terrible to lead to kidney disease directly. But we should be careful when using it. I am here to remind kidney disease patients to use cell phones properly to reduce the risk of aggravation.

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