
How to Reduce Creatinine Level for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Creatinine level is an important index of renal function for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). With the decline in renal function, their kidneys lose its normal filtrating ability. As a result, much metabolic wastes and toxins will accumulate in their body so the creatinine level will increase. In fact, their creatinine level does not increase until the patients lose more than half of their renal function. Therefore, all patients with high creatinine level are very concerned about how to reduce creatinine level effectively. The following article will give all patients a clear answer.

In the traditional medicines, when creatinine level increases slightly, the patients often take medicines to reduce it. However, once they stop taking medicines, their creatinine level will rebound again. What’s worse, it can not stop their renal function from declining at all. With their disease aggravation, their creatinine level will become higher and higher and medicines are useless for it at all. At that time, the patients have to depend on dialysis to reduce their creatinine level. However, dialysis just clears the toxins and wastes in patients’ body and do not improve their renal function at all. Some patients think that if their creatinine level declines, their renal function will also improve. In fact, this opinion is totally wrong. The above two therapies do not reduce creatinine level from the pathology of PKD so the patients can not get rid of increased creatinine level fundamentally. Then are these effective treatments for reducing creatinine level?

If patients want to reduce their creatinine level fundamentally, it is the key for them to improve their renal function. For patients with PKD, they not only need prevent the enlargement of cysts, but also need repair their damaged renal cells.

In many years’ clinical practices, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has an extraordinary effect in stopping cysts. The shattered medicines can be penetrated into kidney lesion by external use with the help of osmosis and penetrate devices. Then they can inactivate the epithelial cells of cyst wall thus making them stop growth. In addition, the medicines can improve the blood circulation and permeability of cyst wall. Therefore, the blood can absorb the cyst fluid back and then discharge them out of body by metabolism so the cysts will shrink. After preventing the disease development, the patients also need to repair their damaged renal function. Immunotherapy plays its important role on this point.
Immunotherapy are original undifferentiated cells and have endless differentiating ability. They can differentiate into new cells and replace the damaged cells to play their role. As a result, the patients’ renal function will have obvious improvement.

Once their renal function improves, their kidneys will be able to discharge the metabolic wastes and toxins out of their body normally so their creatinine level will decline.

The combined application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy can repair the damaged renal cells and improve renal function fundamentally.
Therefore, the patients will be able to get rid of high creatinine level from its root cause.

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