
How Much Do You Know Early Symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome

Nephritic Syndrome is not simply a disease. It is a group of syndromes in Glomerular Disease. The main symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome mainly include mass proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, serious edema and hyperlipidaemia.

1. Mass proteinuria

Mass proteinuria is a typical sigh of Nephritic Syndrome. As patient’s kidney is aged, its structure changes a lot. As a result, the glomerular filtration membrane can not play its role as before. The normal glomerular filtration membrane can filtrate plasma protein selectively thus preventing much plasma protein from filtrating from glomeruli. Therefore, only trace amounts of protein appears in urine.

2. Hypoproteinemia

Serum albumin is below 30g/L. For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, their liver can produce more albumins. If they have enough protein and calorie intake, their liver can produce about 22.6 grams albumin per day. However, as patients lose much protein in their urine. When the liver’s compensation in producing protein can not make up for the protein that loses in urine, the patients will have hypoproteinemia.

3. Serious edema

In the early time, the patients have edema on their face, eyelid, and ankle in the morning. However, as the disease develops, the edema will cover their whole body. Some patients will have pleural effusion, ascitic fluid, hydropericardium and so on. Some patients can not lie upward for serous edema. There are two causes of edema. On one hand, the patients’ renal function declines so it cause water and sodium retention in their body. It is an important cause of edema. On the other hand, mass proteinuria causes the plasma protein to decline. As a result, plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreases thus the water in blood will infiltrate into tissues spaces and cause edema.

4. Hyperlipidaemia

It is caused by the lipid metabolism disturbance. For patients with Nephritic Syndrome, various kinds of lipoprotein in blood will increase. Hyperlipidaemia increase the risk of arteriosclerosis. Also, it is closely related to the progressive glomerulosclerosis.

The above article has introduced the main symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome. If you want to know more about the disease and it therapy, you can consult us on line or email us.

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