
Can PKD Patients Have a Normal Life

A PKD patient once said “My father die for Uremia caused by PKD and all my family are scared of kidney disease. But now I am not so scared of it and I believe that I will be better because here, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has so professional experts, advanced treatment techniques and scientific treatment system.” This patient is Hou Wenying, a female patient from Anhui Province. She is 45 years old and engaged in management job, diagnosed as PKD and Polycystic Liver Disease.

At the beginning, Mrs. Hou was taken to a local hospital of Hefei City due to serious waist pain, hematuria and discomfort in abdomen. In this local hospital, doctors gave the treatment methods of stopping bleeding and anti-inflammation, puncture and tapping as well as surgical operation of Cyst Decortication. After accepting such treatments for half a month, hematuria disappears and waist pain was also relieved. Her blood pressure was also under control. Then she left hospital for home. However, serious hematuria occurs for a second time 50 days later and is more serious than before. She had to go to hospital again. Though Type-B Ultrasound examination, the largest cyst has reached to 6.8×5.4cm and cyst fluid is increasing, which cause danger of cyst rupture greatly. What’s more, her serum creatinine is high to 281uml/L and blood pressure increased to 170/105mmhg. She is still in middle age and should have a normal life of working and living. But she had to suffer from such kind of disease. At that period, she felt so disappointed and had to burden a lot both from mental and physical condition. Occasionally, her husband found the website of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital and looked through the website carefully. Then he came home to tell his wife that he had found a professional hospital of treating Kidney Disease.

With the accompanying of her family, Mrs. Hou went to our hospital which is professional in treating PKD. According to the genetic feature of PKD, experts and doctors arrange the following treatment methods after consultation. Firstly, doctor explained PKD detailedly. They told patient that with people growing old, their general ability declines gradually, so does their kidney function. Then cysts can be out of control and keep growing. When cysts grow to some degree, they will begin to compress kidney tissue and symptoms like waist pain, hematuria or high blood pressure appear. Secondly, expert told the patient about the treatment clearly. They explain that how does Micro-Chinese Medicine treat PKD in details. Micro-Chinese Medicine treats PKD by improving microcirculation and permeability of cyst wall to increase reabsorption of cysts fluid. Then cysts can be shrunk without any surgical operation and kidney function will recover gradually. Thirdly, doctors and experts observed patient’s urine condition carefully and made a scientific daily care principle for patient, including diet and nursing, etc.

It was proved that such methods are reasonable and effective. After 19-day treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, patient had a general better condition. Hematuria disappeared and her blood pressure returned to 126/75mmhg. After three treatment courses, the size of cysts in bilateral kidneys are greatly reduced with 2×4cm as the largest and patient felt full of energy. Kidney function was also normal.

Presently, patient is accepting consolidation treatment at home and has a steady condition during these three months.

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