
What Are the Causes of PKD

Presently, so many people are suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease, hereinafter referred to as PKD. What’s more, there usually are several person may have this disease in the same family. Most patients may have the question that why can I get this disease and How does it happen. Actually, besides genetic factor, many other external factors are also importance inducements of PKD occurrence. In a sense, PKD is the production of both internal factors and external factors.

Generally, the internal factor is referred to congenital gene defect which is the cystic gene on the 16th chromosome, and the 4th chromosome occasionally. As for Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease, it belongs to autosomal dominant inheritance with 100% penetrance, which means that each child may have 50% possibility of getting this disease if one of their parents have cystic gene problem. Besides, some patients may get this disease by gene mutation instead of parents’ inheritance. For this reason, some PKD patients can have no family history.
Many patients may ask that why this disease can have an unbalance developing process though patients have the same gene problem. This can be explained by different external factors. These acquired external inducements can be listed as follows:

Firstly, various kinds of infections: infections can cause abnormal change to organ internal environment, which is beneficial for cystic gene to be activated. Then activity of cysts internal factors increases, promoting cysts formation. Besides, infections on any part of body can get into kidney with blood, affecting cysts growth.

Secondly, toxin: toxin accumulated in body can damage various cellular organic tissue, resulting in disease happening or even threat to life. Besides, toxin is also one of the main reasons of gene mutation and congenital dysplasia.

From the above, it is obvious that PKD is the result of interaction of both congenital internal factors and external inducements. Gene problem can not be changed, but we can control the external factors through taking related measures, which is significant to delay or prevent PKD occurrence. For this reason, PKD patients should not lose confidence due to its genetic feature. Instead, patients should learn more about this disease and have a correct attitude to it. In this way, PKD patients will live a normal life as other healthy patients. If you need other informations about this disease, you can consult us online for free or you can send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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