
Foods to avoid when trying to lose creatinine level

In trying to lower the level of creatinine, should be suggested to maintain a healthy eating habit. So what foods should be avoided? Follow us for the following information, which will surely benefit here.

Foods with high glycemic

Note that only talk about high creatinine level caused by kidney damage and impaired renal function. As a patient of kidney disease, if you still have diabetes, then foods to avoid are those that have the greatest impact on blood sugar. Sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, cakes and sweets should be limited or eliminated.

Foods high in sodium

The first change in diet is often to reduce sodium in the diet. Canned foods are particularly high sources of sodium in the American diet. When eating out, those trying to reduce your sodium intake should avoid fast food and ask which food is prepared without salt.

Foods rich in protein

Doctors recommend reducing the amount of protein in the diet. The reduction of the protein in the diet can help decrease the amount of waste produced. Animal proteins are taxable, such as red meat, chicken and pork. It is advisable to get adequate protein from plants, such as legumes and soy amounts.

More information about high creatinine level

Although reasonable food may be useful in some degree, are not sufficient to deal with high creatinine levels caused by kidney failure. It seems that the kidneys are functioning normally again for the repair of kidney damage and recovery of renal function becomes the best way. If you can achieve a normal life without dialysis and kidney transplantation, which is most important for patients with kidney disease are expected. To find other treatment options for high levels of creatinine, leave me a message below or send us an e-mail kidney-support@hotmail.com are happy to help.

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