
How to control effectively creatinine

In the clinic, the different levels of creatinine represents the different levels of renal harm to patients. Body has high creatinine have to control it in time, this medium can prevent the worsening of the disease. Why So how effectively controlling creatinine?

1 restrict cigarette and alcohol

We all know, the main damage of smoking and alcohol are kidneys and blood vessels, they even aggravate the renal artery sclerosis and Promoven glomerular sclerosis. Therefore, any if the renal function is normal to prevent more damage, patients with high creatinine must stop smoking and alcohol.

The patient uremia, is eating protein rich foods. However, to control the worsening of renal function, has to control the amount of protein and high protein meal quantity, for example animal protein.

2 to limit the amount of salt

Patients with kidney failure, though they have high creatinine and some symptoms, but the extent of the disease is mild, they have to limit the amount of salt on the basis of hypertension and edema. Patients with high creatinine, they have to choose food with rich vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin.

In addition, patients with high creatinine, if they do not have the status of little urine or edema, they do not need to limit the amount of salt. However, if patients have severe edema, hypertension or heart failure, they have to limit the amount of salt strictly.

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