
Some assistance totaling half of the renal teachers

The average attendance is important to patients of kidney disease, have good attendance aid treatment. poor attendance cauda condition is very easy to deteriorate and compricaciones. the siguientos are some media assistance join the renal teachers.

1. Flu

According to studies, influenza is the main cause of kidney damage. In winter, renal patients avoid the flu, if after flu, have edema or urinating blood, have to go to hospital in time .the uremia patients or diabetic nephropathy have to care much.

2. Strengthen sports

The renalpacientes have to make suitable winter sports in one hand, enhance immunity, prevent colds, moreover improve blood circulation, it's good to repair the damage, preventing glomerulosclerosis.

3. Check the food

About the food you have to choose food with high protein and low fat. eating fruits with vitamin rich. No eating cold food, not eating much at once, prevents gastrointestinal infection, and avoid eating food with rich protein.

4. Caring for the detail life

You have to keep the skin clean, avoid using soap or detergent strong irritant. .It uses sport veste soap soft cotton clothing.

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