
What are the causs of proteinuria and hypertension in FSGS

Proteinuria and hypertension are two main reasons for FSGS and they are significant factors in worsening renal function. What are the causes of proteinuria and hypertension in FSGS?

Proteinuria causes FSGS

Healthy kidneys are filtering wastes from the body and at the same time preserving the useful substances in the body. Proteins are large enough so they can not pass through filters. However, in FSGS, filters in the kidneys are marked and can not work well enough. A conseguncia, a large number of proteins pass through filters and end up in the urine. When there is excess protein in the urine, the urine has turned to foam.

Proteins may contain liquid in the blood vessels are important proteins and antibodies in the body. Pender proteins can cause weakness immunity and inflammation. Hence, FSGS patients are susceptible to infection.

To cure proteinuria in FSGS, patients have to limit food with rich protein. ACE inhibitor and ARB medications can help reduce proteinuria and protect renal function.
You can study detailed information on the treatment of proteinuria in FSGS

The causes of hypertension in FSGS.

The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the blood pressure. They can be filtered excess fluids to maintain constant blood volume and can also produce a type of hormone that can regulate blood vessels.

However, in FSGS, the diseased kidneys can not work normally. Consequently, excess fluid accumulates in the body to increase blood pressure.
Furthermore, because the kidney is ischemia and anoxia, produces renin can regulate blood pressure. Renin can shrink blood vessels indirectly, resulting to high blood pressure.

To cure hypertension in FSGS, one thing is to remove excess fluid from the body. Another thing is to correct the secretory function of the kidneys. As the above words, ACE inhibitor and ARB medications are classic for hypertension. In addition, patients should maintain fluid restriction and take medications to help the excretion of fluids.

These words are the causes of proteinuria and hypertension in FSGS. As both conditions result of FSGS itself, the ultimate goal of treatment is to treat the disease fundamentally.

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