
Treatment of proteinuria

Proteinuria is a great typical symptoms of kidney disease, but the number of urinary protein loss does not reflect the severity of renal disease. Patients with mild chronic renal disease with little urinary protein loss does not necessarily mean renal pathological damage is slight. Many proteinuria can not explain the severity of the pathological lesion nephrotic. As minimal change glomerulonephritis and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis soft, mild renal disease, but the daily amount of protein in urine up to a few grams or even a dozen grams.

Proteinuria usually divided, selective proteinuria, nonselective proteinuria. Selective proteinuria, referring to electrophoresis smaller molecular weight protein based on the characteristics of the protein-based, such as albumin, α1-globulin, γ-globulin and transferrin. The large molecular weight protein such as α2-globulin, fibrinogen, β lipoprotein content less.

In patients with minimal change nephrotic soft mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy of early lesions and membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis, and focal segmental sclerosing glomerulonephritis, showed more selective proteinuria, suggesting that the small mesh (glomerular filtration membrane ) mild damage.

Selective proteinuria, protein electrophoresis is characterized by small molecules and macromolecules proteins appear simultaneously, showed small mesh (glomerular filtration membrane) more serious damage.

Expert analysis of the kidney, the number of protein loss, and severity of the disease is not proportional. patients of mild glomerular lesions, urinary protein is not necessarily enough, as minimal change glomerulonephritis and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis soft, mild renal disease, but the daily amount of protein in urine up to a few grams or even a dozen grams .

On the contrary, some focal segmental sclerosing glomerulonephritis and crescent glomerulonephritis, serious injury pathology, but the daily amount of urine protein may be only a few grams. So the treatment is good or bad, depending on the type of renal pathology for damage and kidney function.

Another, also depends on whether patients and physicians cooperate if prevent recurrence of incentives is the appearance (such as colds, fatigue, diarrhea, etc) if adherence to treatment, either to prevent the use of nephrotoxic drugs.


Nephritis patients with massive proteinuria appear generally can be supplemented by diet, pensa view that patients with nephritis can not eat food proteins is incorrect, unilateral, including the development of chronic nephritis late - patients uremia, which also advocates eating a diet low in protein and high quality.

Daily protein intake should be controlled at 0.6 ~ 0.8 g / kg body weight. Uremic patients during dialysis, especially peritoneal dialysis, the daily consumption should increase the amount of protein, approximately 1.2 ~ 1.5 g / kg body weight. Patients in the nephrotic syndrome, urinary loss of large amounts of protein, such as placientes normal renal function, advocates eating a high protein diet to hypoproteinemia, reduce edema and improve or increase the body's resistance.

If patients with nephritis appear azotemia, or when early renal insufficiency, should limit the intake of protein. otherwise impaired renal function will accelerate. In summary, the different condition of the patient must use different diet recipes.

When proteinuria in patients with renal disease, do not have to think too much. When a small amount of proteinuria occurs, can not be too ignore the severity of the disease, the best condition of the patient diagnosed, proteinuria develop suitable treatment programs. From the point of renal pathological damage full recovery of renal function, elimination of proteinuria.

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