
The litter of patients with nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome patient, often accompanied by edema and ascites gastrointestinal mucosa, affects digestion and absorption, diet eats digestible, light, semi-liquid. Nephropathy considerable loss of protein in urine, protein malnutrition status in vivo. Currently advocate high protein diet, daily per kilogram of body weight 0.8-1.0 g. The patient almost all hyperlipidemia, limit intake of animal supply oil fatty acid dietary polyunsaturated fats (such as fish oil) and vegetable filling (soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sesame oil). edema height limit sodium intake, daily intake of salt is less than 3 grams, appropriate micronutrient supplementation.

Please follow dietary principles nephrotic syndrome Note:

1. Sodium intake: Edema should enter low-salt diet, so as not to aggravate edema, average less than 2 g appropriate daily intake of salt, pickled products off less MSG and food base, swelling decreased when near normal plasma proteins, can restore normal meal.

2. Protein intake: Nephrotic syndrome, a large number of plasma proteins from the urine, decreased human protein in the state of protein malnutrition, hypoproteinemia colloid osmotic pressure of plasma, resulting in edema stubborn Nanxiao , which reduces the body's resistance, so when in the absence of renal failure, its early days, the period should be given a diet high in quality protein (0.8 ~ 1.0g / kg * d), as the fish and meat. Hypoproteinemia and help relieve some of the complications caused by the back. when urine protein was negative, serum albumin in normal following a diet low in protein quality.

3. Fat intake: Patients with nephrotic syndrome often have hyperlipidemia, this can cause atherosclerosis and glomerular injury, sclerosis, so he has to be limited offal, fat, seafood and other foods intake cholesterol and fats.

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