
What are the reasons for the high serum creatinine

The creatinine produced by the metabolism of muscle, kidney and reaches the blood circulation ela. And the responsibility of the kidney is to filter the majority creatinine in the blood. Thus, creatinine is also a clinical renal index. What are the reasons for the high serum creatinine?

Generally indicates high creatinine has kidney disease. But in other situations, abnormal blood is there it is because healthy life with little or other diseases.

The general reasons for the high creatinine

● Dehydration fever, profuse sweating, insufficient intake of water or strenuous exercise causes dehydration causes after hemoconcentration, reduces the amount of blood entering the kidney. Therefore, increased creatinine.

● Tired: tired much is a matter of high creatinine.

● Unstable blood pressure: If the patient's blood pressure not controlled well, it also causes high creatinine.

● Proteinuria and hematuria in a long time: the change of urine is abnormal long time also causes high creatinine.

● Heart Failure: Heart failure is a matter of high creatinine, would endanger the life, it is easy potato cure.

Kidney reasons for the high creatinine

● Various kidney disease: patients of kidney disease, high creatinine when they have their kidney damage.

● Some drugs: renal patients using nephrotoxic drugs blindly possible causes high creatinine. the worst thing is that this damage is irreparable.

● Infection: if the patient infected renal failure, serum creatinine level increases in a short time.

So there are many reasons can cause high creatinine, effective and timely treatment is necessary. If you have questions or concerns, ask doctors online, please.

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