
How to Alleviate Malignant Hypertension Caused By PKD

As kidneys work to regulate blood volumes, thereby, Polycystic Kidney Disease usually causes malignant hypertension. Thereby, only PKD is controlled firstly that malignant hypertension can be alleviated.

What is malignant hypertension?

Malignant hypertension is very high blood pressure, in which the lower (diastolic) blood pressure reading, that is normally around 80 mmHg, is often above 130mmHg.

How does Polycystic Kidney Disease cause malignant hypertension?

Polycystic Kidney Disease is characterized by numerous cysts. As cysts grow, they will suppress and squeeze nearby renal tissues, causing insufficient blood and oxygen to kidneys. When renal ischemia and anoxia appear, kidneys will be stimulated to secrete renin. This substance will activate RASS system and increase blood pressure. As long as renal cysts can not be controlled, blood pressure will keep elevating constantly.

How to alleviate malignant hypertension caused by PKD?

As mentioned above, the key to alleviate malignant hypertension is to control renal cysts which are the original source to blood pressure problems. Only the anti-hypertensive drugs can not decrease high blood pressure from the root. This is why once patient stop the drug, blood pressure level improves again.

Surgery is a common treatment to affect renal cysts. However, one of the big problems is that surgery will lead to relapse of PKD, because large cysts gone will leave more space for smaller ones to grow faster than before. Besides, repeated surgery can not be taken for it will cause your kidney function dropping quickly.

Compared with surgery, the herbal treatment can be anther choice. This therapy can take effects on lining cells of cysts to stop the growth of renal cysts.
Meantime, it can transform the structure of lining cells to shrink the renal cysts. Herbal treatment can take effects on all-size cysts, not only on the larger ones. This ensures that PKD fails to relapse. As long as renal cysts are controlled, it is no wander that malignant hypertension will get an alleviation spontaneously.

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