
Top 10 Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Facts That You Should Know

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney refers to a condition in which your kidney has been replaced by multiple cysts. Here are top 10 Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney facts that you should know.

1. Prenatal Ultrasound can be utilized to discover the Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney prior to a child’s birth.

2. Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease is when cysts develop on the undeveloped kidneys which help to produce the amniotic fluid for the baby.

3. If the Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease is not found before birth, some symptoms also help indicate the disease, such as frequent urination, urgent urination, odynuria, swelling in legs, hands and ankles, frequent fatigue and skin rash etc.

4. In this condition, a well-managed diet should be performed. Low-salt and low-phosphorous foods are good choices. Milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, ice cream are not allowed. Before you put any food into your diet list, you’d better have a talk with your dietitian.

5. Coffee and cola are forbidden for patients with Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease for both of them contain rich caffeine which increases the quantity of the messenger protein cyclic AMP. This can trigger cyst fluids to secrete and enlarge renal cysts, aggravating the kidney disorder.

6. The useful tests for Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease include ultrasound, VCUG, lasix or DMSA scan etc.

7. The management for a child with a multicystic dysplastic kidney requires frequent follow up for many years. Only rarely will a MCDK need to be removed in the newborn period. Most of the emphasis in newborns is to make sure that the other kidney is healthy and working fine.

8. Surgery may help to remove the impaired kidney for your kid. Many hospitals use robotic surgery technology for the nephrectomy procedures.

9. Apart from surgery, the natural treatment—herbal medicine may also help the affected kids. There are many special herbs which can take effects on the renal cysts. After herbal treatment, your kids are expected to experience the shrinkage of renal cysts.

10. When a diagnosis of multicystic kidney is made in utero by ultrasound, the disease is found to be bilateral in 19% to 34% of cases. The bilateral disease leads to poor prognosis.

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