
What Kind of Doctor Should I See for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic kidney disorder in which numerous kidney cysts grow from kidneys. What kind of doctor should I see for Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Who can diagnose Polycystic Kidney Disease?

If you family members, especially your father or mother, have the history of PKD, you need to screen your kidneys regularly. With familial PKD history and the B ultrasound or MRI, CT scan, your primary-care physician, a mid-level practitioner or a nurse may make an initial diagnosis for you.

Once you are diagnosed with PKD, you need to take more examinations, such as urine routine, blood routine, that indicates what your kidney functions are at present and whether you need immediate treatment or not.

What Kind of Doctor Should I See for Polycystic Kidney Disease?

There are many types of doctors for kidney diseases, including family-medicine specialists, nurse practitioner, nephrologist etc. However, as for Polycystic Kidney Disease, we divided all doctors into two types according to the current treatment for PKD. They are surgeon and Herbal therapists.

For the numerous renal cysts, there is no better method except surgery in western medicine field. As the renal cysts squeeze the kidney tissues to loss kidney functions and lead to kidney failure, surgeon will take the several threatening cysts away. However, surgeon will be your regular guests for the smaller one will grow up sooner or later.

Apart from surgeon, you can ask help from herbal therapists who uses specific herbs to stop the growth of epithelial lining cells which are the birthplace of renal cysts. By control of lining cells, Chinese Herbal Medicine stops the further growth of renal cysts and shrinks small and large renal cysts naturally at the same time. As Chinese herbal Medicine contract all renal cysts, PKD hardly reoccurs.

When to see a doctor?

See a doctor annually for a checkup to make sure there is no cyst in your kidneys.

Make an appointment for additional checkup if you are found to have cysts on kidneys.

If you want to take a surgery, you should wait for the larger cysts as larger as 3cm. For the smaller cysts, your surgeon will not conduct the surgery.

If you want to see the herbal therapists, you’d better to make an appointment as soon as possible. If you take measures earlier, some kidney functions can be reversed, otherwise, some kidney functions will not come back forever.

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