
Popular Treatments of Polycystic Kidney Disease in China

As there is no cure available for Polycystic Kidney Disease in most countries, more and more foreigners are attracted to China by its Ancient therapy and mysterious treatment. Unlike the chemical drugs, most popular treatments of Polycystic Kidney Disease in China take effects naturally, causing no side effects.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is the national treasure of China. It was established since 2500 years ago, which accumulates rich experience in treating PKD by refining and developing the herbal formula to renal cysts patients.

Some specific herbs are chosen according to individual condition, which can shrink renal cysts naturally. Many patients with PKD can see their cysts smaller than before usually after more than 6months or one year treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Only problem is the bitter taste of the herbal soup which makes most foreigner who never try this medicine feel sick.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the new development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which follows the principles and formula for PKD. The innovation of the new treatment is that it turns the oral form into external application.

When the herbs are selected well after the prescription for individual, the herbs are collected and are miconised to powders which will be put into herbal bags.
After the soak of penetrating fluids, two herbal bags are fixed on the waist area. With the support of osmosis devices, the herbal ingredients will be permeated into renal lesions and take effects directly. Thereby, this herbal therapy shrinks renal cysts faster than Traditional Chinese Medicine.

About 2 weeks to 1 month, patients can see the shrinkage of cysts through ultrasound. As this therapy controls polycystic kidneys by cleansing away cyst fluids, so it rarely leads to the relapse of PKD.

In addition, this new therapy attracts more foreigners for it avoids the bitter taste of herbal soup.

Many patients complain the long distance from China, even they know that there is no better therapy for their PKD in home country. However, if nobody can help you in your living place, why not book a flight ticket to stop the renal cysts forever?

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