
Patient Profile:PKD Combined with High Blood Pressure and Renal Anemia

Here is a patient profile for patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease who gets natural remedy to shrink her cysts naturally.

Name: Jimmy

Gender: male

Country: USA

Diagnosis: Polycystic Kidney Disease, Chronic Renal Insufficiency, high blood pressure, renal anemia

Treatment: the major therapy for Jimmy is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for 28 days in hospital.

Results: after treatment, the Jimmy’s polycystic kidneys become smaller and his blood pressure was controlled in normal range, as well as his renal anemia was significantly relieved. Here is the comparison before and after the treatment.

Before treatment: blood pressure 180/110mmHg, creatinine 625umol/L, BUN 14.5 mmol/L, Hb 65g/L, left kidney 19.2X6.1X5.3cm, right kidney 18.6×5.9×5.1cm, poor appetite, back pain, pale face

After treatment: blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, creatinine 402umol/L, BUN 11.3 mmol/L, Hb 80g/L, left kidney 18.0X5.3X4.9cm, right kidney 18.2×5.4×4.8cm, his appetite became better; his back pain was gone and his face turn to ruddy.

Comments: all discomforts, such as renal anemia, high blood pressure, poor appetite result from the enlarged renal cysts. Thereby, the key of treatment should focus on the control of renal cysts.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, based on Chinese herbal medicine, derives from natural herbs, which can stop renal cyst enlarging and shrink the renal cysts gradually through affecting lining cells. Lining cells locates inside of cyst wall which keep secreting cyst fluids. Lining cells are the origin of renal cyst growth.

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