
Care of the IgA nephritis

The full name of IgA nephritis is "IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis." Its characteristic is in the mesangial area settles IgA or IgA immune complexes based. Glomerular tissue has different reaction by the deposition of IgA. If the deposition of IgA may cause IgA nephritis is dependent on the integration between IgA and renal tissue. The following sentences have the care of IgA nephritis.

1. IgA nephritis patients have to take care change your illness.

First, observe the extent, the situation of skin edema position; Secondary: observe accompanying symptoms of edema, eg, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, have no strength, hypertension; third, observe the amount and color of urine. Always observe the urine microscopy share or urinalysis.

2. They exercise is also an important part.

Patients should actively exercise to improve fitness, prevention of colds, infections and actively and boils and other skin diseases preventable. In order to facilitate the early diagnosis and active treatment of the primary disease.

3. Every day, IgA nephritis patients have to determine blood pressure.

They observe the change of blood pressure. edema, urine, the blood pressure rises, the amount of urine reduced care if they have chronic renal failure.

4. The things you care a lot.

Overwork and strenuous exercise cause bloody urine increased, therefore, conscious break, do the exercises too much or too little, avoid night work.

5. Cure inflammatory diseases

Eliminate predisposing factors, such as infection of the upper respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infection boil and hong.

6. Improve their spirit

All patients bloody urine, have mental stress, depression and pessimism of different degree. Therefore, in normal life, care much their words and behavior, panic, screaming increase anxiety and fear of the patient. thereby improve his spirit is important,

7. Outside prevent infection

This condition always changes serious because the upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, therefore, have to prevent influenza. If you are weak, easy have the flu, you can make convenienciero exercise improves endurance, prevents infection of the upper respiratory tract.

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