
Hematuria: An early sign of IgA nephropathy

Hematuria is losing red blood cells and it is an early sign of IgA nephropathy. If you have this signal with no clear reason, has to confirm whether he is related to renal disease.

Even hematuria gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. She is the typical syndrome IgA nephropathy and she always starts with a day or two of infection of nonspecific upper respiratory tract. Generally, macroscopic appear first, after curing her microscopic hematuria appear. It is possible to suppress this thing every few months. Generally, the prognosis of IgA nephropathy with hematuria acomba?a is not good. Therefore, it is important to handle the fairly good condition.

In the correct condition when the blood is filtered by the kidney glomeruli can prevent red blood cells pass through the barrier function. However, IgA nephropathy, IgA settles to cause mesangial area and glomerular inflammation. Because the normal glomerular structure is damage, many red cells escaping through the glomerulus and end up in the urine. That is the severity of hematuria is an indication of deterioration kidney structure.

Why So how to control hematuria in IgA nephropathy effectively?

IgA nephropathy is an immune-mediated renal disease due to IgA deposits. Therefore, remove IgA is an important process to cure IgA nephropathy.

Then, the deposition of abnormal IgA immunity because the objective is to correct the immune function, IgA avoid settling in the glomerulus.

Meanwhile, the onset of hematuria is because renal disease. Primarily to control this symptom, treatment should be able to restore kidney structure and improving kidney function.

After the above treatment, renal function will improve. Thus, the red blood cells will stop escapes into the urine and hematuria will gradually recover.

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