
Symptoms of kidney failure stage five

Kidney failure is a serious and progressive disease, can cause many complications. Stage five of this disease is the most severe stage of the disease. Therefore it is normal that the patient has many obvious complications.


The edema is the symptom commune patient with renal insufficiency. The patient with stage five, obvious edema appears on your face or ankle. Patients with severe disease are difficult breathing, it is easy to cause pulmonary edema. Are possible patients have also stomach pain which is caused by edema of the gastrointestinal tract.


Fatigue is another symptom of renal failure commune of stage five, and is caused by the anemia. The kidney has the function of promoting the secretion of hormones in the blood, but the patient of kidney failure stage five. have severe kidney damage, so the patient promove little secretion of hormones in the blood, it causes anemia.


The Hypertension is a commune complication, especially in patients with renal insufficiency stage five.

Urine Combio

Patients with ESRD have many changes in your urine. In your urine may have a lot of foam, and foam may be long, and the color of urine is normal. And they have much urine at night.


Itching is common in patients with ESRD. This symptom is related to drugs which patients eat ..

In addition, patients with renal failure stage five have other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, low back pain, has a metallic taste in the mouth and neurological problem, éta étapa the disease is very severe, patients using dialysis or kidney transplant to extend their life.

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