
What fruits of nephrotic syndrome patients can not eat

Good diet habit is the key to far from the Ranal disease. therefore, which ones produce not convenient to patients of nephrotic syndrome?

All people like fruit, because fruit has beneficial trace elements for human health, for example vitamin. but patients in the nephrotic syndrome, not all fruits are edible.

A nephrotic syndrome patients can not eat these fruits:

1. Banana: because the banana is rich in salt and sodium, patients with glomerulonephritis, hypertension, edema have to care much .because the banana is rich sugar diabetes patients do not eat much.

2. Apple: because apple has a lot of sugar, sodium and salt, eat a lot is bad heart and kidney, patients of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, renal disease, diabetes can not eat much.

3. Mandarin: the elders of stomach, intestine, kidney, lung deficiency can not eat much because this fruit causes abdominal pain, sores in the mouth, eyes red and swollen poison.

4. Watermelon: Watermelon is rich water is the most convenient summer fruit, but if the elderly and people with weak body eat much, causing abdominal pain or diarrhea. and people with heart failure and patients with severe edema not eat much.

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