
The symptoms and complications of renal failure

Chronic renal failure (kidney failure) is a disease that causes gradual deterioration of renal function. The kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs, found in the middle region of the back, one on each side of the spine. Chronic kidney failure can affect every part of the body. Are in the back of the abdominal cavity. The main function of the kidneys are clean and remove waste from the blood and urine. Healthy kidneys also remove nutrients, they produce erythropoietin to stimulate red blood cell production, mantenen the level of normal blood pressure, mantenen health of bones. In the first course, kidney disease has no symptoms objectives. Chronic Kidney Failure progresses process can cause a variety of symptoms and complications. Some symptoms are hidden in the previous year. The most important thing is that patients with chronic renal failure manage their symptoms and complications to improve your health and slow the progression. Chronic renal failure can affect many parts of the body and its complications and symptoms can be classified in the following ways:

* Metabolic Disorders

* Nervous system of Symptoms

* proteinuria

* Respiratory symptoms

* Symptoms of cardiovascular system

Changes in urine *

* Blood System Symptoms

* Gastrointestinal Tract Symptom

* Problems Bones

* Hematuria

* Skin Problems

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