
Food Therapy hematuria

The hematuria may be caused as a general disease, but also to the only manifestation of cancer of the urinary tract, and systemic diseases such as hemorrhagic purpura may produce hematuria, so the cause of hematuria and bleeding diagnosis is extremely important.

The reason is because of hematuria in urine excretion of abnormal increase of red blood cells, hematuria may occur because of the urinary system is a manifestation of severe disease, hematuria is not a disease, is the onset of a clinical manifestation of the disease. So? What are ways to treat the hematuria?

Under normal circumstances, no red blood cells in the urine. Medical patient urine after centrifugation under a microscope to see if each high power field in five or more red blood cells, called hematuria. If only detect red blood cells under a microscope, and the eyes do not see blood in the urine, called microscopic hematuria. eye can see if urine is "washwater flesh" or colored band, and even injected blood clots or blood in the urine, called gross hematuria.

Hematuria means blood from childhood out, or urine mixed with blood, especially due to the accumulation of heat due to the kidneys and bladder. The diet should be cooling and purging fire, nourishing based hemostasis. Three meals a day diet, you should not eat spicy foods, like all the wine, onion, ginger, garlic and chile ect. Basting should not take the goods. greasy and seafood should not eat hot food must be deprivation. Always take the following cooling, bleeding of goods: As malan head, shepherd's purse, lotus root, melon, watermelon, beans, lotus seeds, etc, persimmons, apples, pears, oranges and other fruits should correspond to eat.

This paper presents a therapeutic approach for hematuria meat and amaranth porridge

Lean pork, cut into mud, add the rice wine, bitter oil, mix cornstarch, vegetable oil bread, baked sand support. Amaranth, wash and drain cut into very thin. It boil rice soup rice, add amarantos the end, cook for 5 minutes, transferred to the meat, condiments can be eaten boiled.

Before treatment of hematuria, you should consult some guidance related to medical treatment of foods to avoid improper medical treatment of any consequence.

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