
The food of hypertensive nephropathy

In this society of high pressure, much people get hypertensive nephropathy. why Does the patient accepted treatment while in the food what need? Now I tedigo some proposals on people contract hypertensive nephropathy need to eat the food.

1. Change the habits of food; You must lower the guidance of a physician analyzes the food oneself, changing bad habits, limits some meals so you can meet the nutritional needs, improving the quality of life.

2. Control the heat supply; Heat must determine appropriate depending on the disease, the standard rule Mantené ideal weight. Because this type of patient usually have disorders of lipid metabolism, so reducing fat intake can help control the heat and improve metabolic disorders.

3. Low salt, vitamin-rich food; The patient hypertensive nephropathy have to eat less salt. Avoid salty foods, eat less food contain preservatives. Absorb much Vitamins B Vitamins especially regulate the metabolism beneficial, if necessary, take vitamin supplements.

4. Appropriate Amount drink tea; Tea polyphenols in the human body plays an important role in fat metabolism. You can cool, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, softening blood vessels.

5. Protein is the essential nutrients, but eat much protein can increase the load on the kidneys, increased kidney damage if insufficient intake can affect the body's supply of nutrients. Therefore, the patient is known to the state of renal function determines the intake of protein: When no clear renal dysfunction, daily protein intake to about 50 g, if displayed serum creatinine, BUN and other obvious abnormalities, protein intake should be reduced to a daily 20 ~ 40g.

6. The patient with hypertensive nephropathy, limiting salt intake: every day I gradually reduced to 6g less. after beer cap eliminates cushion, a top of the beer has 6g.éste amount is about eating salt, including table salt and other food into aggregates of sodium. Suitable for reducing sodium intake can help lower blood pressure, reduce the body's sodium and water retention.

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